Download PC Repair Tool around to quickly find & fix Windows errors automatically

Users of Windows 11/10/8 may suffer detected that information technology includes a new recovery feature called Automatic Repair. If your Windows 11/10 is not able to boot out OR protrude-up, Automatic pistol Repair, earlier titled Startup Repair will come into action and essa to diagnose and fix the issue. It will scan system files, Registry settings, form settings and more and try to fix the trouble on its own, mechanically.

When the data processor boots up, and the OS detects that there is something wrong with the files. It will trigger Automatic Startup Remedy. If it doesn't, then try interrupting the boot cognitive process three times in a rowing – for when you do this, Smart Rectify mode will appear.

Automatic Inauguration Repair in Windows 11/10

If you want to access and run Machinelike Repair manually, you deman additionally into Advanced Startup options. This will let you start Windows from an external device, change Windows inauguration settings or restore Windows from a Factory image.

Windows 11

Automatic Startup Repair in Windows 11

To carry out Startup Touch on in Windows 11, you need to boot to the Sophisticated Startup Options blind:

  1. Open Windows 11 Settings
  2. Dawn open System settings
  3. Coil down till you see Recuperation on the right side, and then click on it
  4. In the incoming blind, under Recovery options, you will see Modern startup
  5. Click on the Restart at once button to initiate the process.

Windows 10

Automatic Startup Repair in Windows 10

Deliver your work and open Settings > Update & Security > Recuperation > Advanced startup.

Select Resume straight off.

On a restart, Windows 11 OR Windows 10 users will control the following screen. winre-windows-8-1

From the WinRE sort, select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options. Automatic Repair in Windows 8

Under Advanced options, select Automatic/Startup Repair. winre-windows-8-3 You will be asked to select the User Account to continue. Do so and continue. If asked, enter your password too and click on Continue. Windows Automatic Repair bequeath now commence and strain to identify and resolve the trouble. This process may strike some time, and your system May even boot.

Once the process completes successfully, you bequeath see a content to this effect.

Automatic Startup Repair couldn't fix your PC

If Inauguration Haunt fails, and you get an mistake message Automatic Startup Repair couldn't repair your PC, you may check the log file at:


What is the SrtTrail.txt file?

SrtTrail.txt is a log file cabinet that logs down causes that may have caused Mechanical Inauguration Repair to run out or cause a Blue Block out Stop Error. It is located at C:\Windows\System32\Logfiles\Srt\SrtTrail.txt.

You may also want to check this post happening Windows fails to boot; Reflexive Repair, Refresh, Readjust PC also go.


Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-class Microsoft Most valuable player (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the entire post & the comments first, produce a System Restore Distributor point before making any changes to your system & Be minute some any 3rd-party offers while installing freeware.

How to perform Automatic Startup Repair in Windows 11/10
